2020 Wilmington Yearly Meeting Epistle

2020 Wilmington Yearly Meeting Epistle

Epistle | 2020   “Love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing, compared to love in dreams.” Ray Geers, of Cincinnati Friends Meeting, used that quote from The Brothers Karamazov in his Bible study on the scripture that grounded this year’s sessions: Micah 6:8....
WYM Approves Statement on Racial Justice, 7.24.20

WYM Approves Statement on Racial Justice, 7.24.20

During the Annual Sessions of the Wilmington Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, Friends approved the following statement: Wilmington Yearly Meeting Statement on Racial Justice   There is a gap between the ideals we profess and the realities we...

WYM Plenary Speakers, July 23-25, 2020

This year’s Plenary Speakers for our Annual Meeting will help us explore Clearness Committees, what it is like to be brown in America, and a Quaker response to the Holocaust. You don’t want to miss a night!   Thursday, July 23, 6:30pm —...