Wilmington Yearly Meeting

2024 Fall Gathering: November 9,  10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Campus Friends Meetinghouse (T. Canby Jones Meetinghouse)
College St., Wilmington, Ohio
In-person or Zoom; Cost is $10



2024 THEME:  Stewardship, care of the earth, is of spiritual concern.
2024 SCRIPTURE: Genesis 1 – “In the beginning, God created…and it was very good.”

10 a.m.: Meeting for Worship

11 a.m.: Focus on Stewardship — readings & sharing by Stephen Pothoff. Stephen is a member of Campus Friends and
                                                              a Professor of Religion and Philosophy at Wilmington College since 2003. His                                                                              scholarly interests include not only early Christianity, ancient religion and                                                                                    archaeology, but also  Native American spirituality and culture, ecospirituality,                                                                           dreams, and near-death visionary experience.

Noon: Lunch (on your own)

1 p.m.: Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business (as needed)

Note: Friends are being asked to pay the $10 registration fee, regardless of whether they attend in-person or via Zoom. This fee covers material costs, transportation, hospitality, honoraria for resource persons, administrative, and technological costs. Fees can be paid via cash, check, or PayPal.


2024 Fall Gathering Registration

Registration fee is $10. Fees can be paid by cash, check, or via PayPal. Click here to pay via PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=EP7XP36ZRXRRA

Fields marked with an * are required. You should receive an email confirmation of your registration — depending on your filter settings, you may need to look in your spam box!