Wilmington Yearly Meeting Winter Gathering
Saturday, April 13, 2024
In-Person at Cincinnati Friends Meeting or online via Zoom
Cost: $10

9 AM- Ministry and Counsel (M&C is open to anyone who wishes to attend, however, only members of MM M&Cs, pastors, or persons designated by a MM to attend M&C are required to attend.)

10 AM- Meeting for Worship
Message: “Witnessing in our Times,” Sabrina McCarthy

11 AM- Program
Megan Fair, Right Sharing of World Resources

12 PM- Lunch (On your own)

1 PM- Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Please register by Friday, April 5.

Note: Friends are being asked to pay the $10 registration fee, regardless of whether they attend in-person or via Zoom. This fee covers material costs, transportation, hospitality, honoraria for resource persons, administrative, and technological costs. Fees can be paid via cash, check, or PayPal.

An additional note: Everyone should turn OFF their phones or tablets during the meetings at CFM during the Spring Gathering. People using the internet anywhere in the building (even on phones) drain what little internet “juice” the Meeting has for using Zoom.