2024 Wilmington Yearly Meeting Epistle
To all Friends everywhere, Greetings from Friends of Wilmington Yearly Meeting, who gathered in Maryville, Tennessee, from July 25–28, 2024. We were gathered from East Tennessee, southwest and central Ohio, and other places as well, to be enriched together in...
2024 Wilmington Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions
WILMINGTON YEARLY MEETING July 25-28, 2024 Maryville Friends Meeting, Maryville, Tennessee ** FYI** ZOOM has been a great gift that allows us to gather though we are far apart and allows those unable to attend in-person to share in worship. One gift not offered by...
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Friends Meetings
Join Your Friends!
WORSHIP 9:30 am
Monthly Meeting For Business 1st Sunday 10:00 am
Ada Chapel Friends- DETAILS
332 Grant St. Wilmington, OH 45177
Lead Pastor: Hannah Lutz (937-503-4709)
Pastor Emeritus: Violeta A.T. Gwynn (937-725-5071)
Michael Anderson
Campus Friends- DETAILS
Contact person for more info: Patricia Thomas — phone: 937-708-6211; email: patricia@pastorandprofessor.com
Website: campusfriendsmeeting.org
Unprogrammed Worship
You are welcome to come to Campus Friends Meeting at 10 a.m. Sundays on the Wilmington College campus in the T. Canby Jones Meetinghouse (specific directions below) and worship in the manner of unprogrammed Friends.
We have no paid or ordained clergy who leads worship or delivers a sermon. When there is spoken ministry, it is provided by members and attenders, who sit on pews facing each other in a square. Anyone who feels prompted or moved by the Spirit to speak may do so.
How we conduct unprogrammed worship
The initial stage of unprogrammed worship is often described as “centering”. This is when Friends clear their minds and settle down to attain a spiritual focus. The centering process can of course begin prior to arrival.
After a seasonable time of centering, worshippers may give a spoken message, utter a prayer, or break forth in song.
You may wonder how a person can be confident it is the Spirit moving or prompting them to speak, and not some other impelling cause.
According to Patricia Loring’s Pendle Hill pamphlet titled ‘Spiritual Discernment’, having the experience of the “fruits of the Spirit” as identified in Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia suggests the presence of God’s Spirit. The fruits of the Spirit listed in the letter have been translated as “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness [sometimes translated as faith or faithfulness], gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:23). Vocal ministry that is laden with these fruits, or which sow these fruits, suggests strongly the Spirit’s stirrings.
To gain further clarity about unprogrammed worship and spoken ministry, we might ask ourselves these questions in light of the spiritual fruits: What might this worship look like? What might such worship feel like?
It is Friends’ practice to leave ample time for reflection after a spoken message, and for a person to speak no more than once in a meeting for worship. Campus Friends value the spoken word, and also value the silence.
More of what to expect in our worship
During worship at Campus Friends Meeting, the weekly greeter/breaker sometimes offers a short reading or asks a query. A query is a question; indeed, often a query is “a question for all seasons”. In the Quaker tradition, queries are a way to examine our lives and actions, and a means to help direct us, individually and as a meeting. Unless moved to do so, no one need answer the query aloud.
In short, we wait during worship in an expectation that by leaning into God’s Spirit and listening closely when someone speaks, it helps unite us as Christ’s sisters and brothers and friends (Friends); strengthens our commitment; provides lessons for living; helps us grow; and encourages us on our path.
When the rise of worship nears, the greeter/breaker asks whether we have joys or concerns, or a prayer request to share with the meeting.
Lastly, the greeter/breaker signals the end of worship (usually around an hour) with greetings or perhaps a handshake, at which time we make announcements and fellowship is encouraged.
Directions, etc.
At 10 a.m. Sundays our unprogrammed (but not graceless!) worship begins on the Wilmington College campus in the T. Canby Jones Meetinghouse, an attached yet distinct space located at the Boyd Cultural Arts Center (the building off College Street where the college stage plays are held). There is a College Street pole sign standing beside a sidewalk that runs parallel to the meetinghouse. You can park nearby on the street or in the college’s corner parking lot.
On the first Sunday of the month, beginning at noon, we gather for a simple, carry-in fellowship meal at the home of a member. Also the first Sunday of the month, we set out an offering basket for charitable work in the local community, including on campus.
Many Campus Friends come together on the 3rd Wednesday of the month beginning at 6:30 p.m. for a book club. When not meeting on Zoom, the gathering involves a self-packed brown bag meal before a discussion led by the person whose selection we are reading that month.
Organized in 1954, two of Campus Friends Meeting’s key minutes — which are statements or decisions approved by the meeting — can be found below, with brief introductions.
Campus Friends Meeting’s inclusivity statement
In May 2021 we reaffirmed a commitment to the meeting’s inclusivity that had been declared in two prior minutes in 2014, condensing them into one minute, which we then approved. This inclusivity minute reads as follows:
“Campus Friends Meeting is a welcoming and inclusive monthly meeting. We affirm the full dignity of each person created in the image of God. The Light of the Living Christ has taught us that God’s love extends equally to all people regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Our understanding of God’s universal love leads us to affirm the full dignity of LGBTQ+ persons and equal status within the Religious Society of Friends and the wider world.
“All covenant relationships including marriages under the care of a Quaker meeting are sacred, legal and the cause for joy. As with all couples, we follow Quaker process to discern their readiness to be married under the care of Campus Friends Meeting. In honoring and caring for any marriage we affirm that we are ‘witnessing that which God has already done.’ ”
Campus Friends “bridge building” statement
In October 2014, we approved a minute relating to Campus Friends Meeting (CFM) being a “bridge” meeting — that is, CFM is a monthly meeting that belongs to two yearly meetings: the Wilmington Yearly Meeting (Friends United Meeting) as well as the Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting (Friends General Conference). The bridge meeting minute reads as follows:
“We strive to be a monthly meeting that builds bridges. We come together to worship in expectant waiting in the presence of God and these our friends. Friends welcome personal and spiritual leadings that seek to serve as ministry for all.
“Meeting for worship informs our understanding of Quaker tradition and testimonies and guides our daily lives and corporate decision making. We strive to love and support each other within our monthly meeting community, and value our relationship to the wider body of Friends.”
Personal remarks
As a lifelong seeker, I am attracted by the Quaker testimonies, in particular community and peacemaking. I have found that Campus Friends Meeting is comprised of wonderful people. While unprogrammed worship can have its own challenges, it is in line with the abolition of a passive laity. Campus Friends’ occasional one-day joint spiritual retreats with Eastern Hills Friends Meeting of Cincinnati have been meaningful to me. — Gary Huffenberger
WORSHIP 9:45 am
Sunday School 9:00 am
Monthly Meeting for Business 4th Sunday Following Worship
Chester Friends- DETAILS
3451 Gurneyville Rd., 8 Mi. N. off SR 68 N,
Wilmington, OH 45177
Mike & Nancy McCormick, (937) 728-0095
email: nancy_mccormick@wilmington.edu (Nancy McCormick)
David Hackney,
Clerk of Monthly Meeting-
USFW: Becky Godfrey, Clerk
Ministry/Counsel Clerk: Jonda Hamilton
Trustees Clerk: Richard Baker
Treasurer: Jill Hartley
Peace and Social Concern: Jonda Hamilton/Nancy McCormick
State of Society: Linda McKeehan
Pastoral Extension: Mary Ann Roddy
Out to Lunch Club: Billie Baker
Adult Study Discussion 10:00 am
First Day School/ Nursery 11:00 am
Monthly Meeting For Business 2nd Sundays
Cincinnati Friends- DETAILS
Minister & Public Friend: James Newby
Clerk: Michael Ramos
Cincinnati, OH 45243
Directions: I-71 to Exit 12, go east on Montgomery Rd; in .7 miles turn right onto Keller Rd; in .6 miles turn right into the Meetinghouse driveway.
WORSHIP 9:30 am
Monthly Meeting for Business 1st Sunday 10:30 am
Dover Friends- DETAILS
Dover Rd., E. of OH 134, 5 mi. N. of Wilmington,
PO Box 166, Port William 45164
Dan Kazstelan & Katie Terrell
Clerk : Mike Miller
Eastern Hills Friends- DETAILS
1671 Nagel Rd., off Beechmont Ave., (SR 125)
Cincinnati, OH
JP Lund, Monthly Meeting Clerk
WORSHIP 11:00 am
Sunday School 10:00 2nd/3rd Sundays
Fairview Friends- DETAILS
Dana Dunseith, Clerk
Dan Kasztelan
5th Sundays: Unprogrammed Worship
WORSHIP 11:00 am
Monthly Meeting for Business 3rd Sunday
Meets for worship in members' homes
PO Box 5852 Knoxville, TN 37928
Pastor -
WORSHIP 10:30 am
Sunday School 9:30 am
Jamestown Friends- DETAILS
48 E. Washington St. Jamestown, OH 45335
Pastor: Melodi Goff
Keith Cavender, Monthly Meeting Clerk - 937-675-6239
Darla Geis, Ministry & Counsel Clerk - 937-675-2464
WORSHIP 10:45 am
BIBLE STUDY 7 pm on zoom on Wednesdays
Maryville Friends- DETAILS
2044 Sequoyah Avenue
Maryville, TN 37802
Phone - (865) 984-7999
Jonathan Goff -Pastor
Meeting email: maryvillefriendsmeeting@gmail.com
Jeannette Hamby-Clerk
WORSHIP 10:30 am
Sunday School 9:30 am
Monthly Meeting for business:
2nd Wednesdays 7:00 pm
Samantha Friends- DETAILS
8070 Fall Creek Road, Hillsboro, OH 45133
Phone: 937-393-2975
Pastor - Rick Smith
Springfield Friends- DETAILS
Todd's Fork Rd., off OH 380, N. of US 22
Clinton Co., OH
Mailing address: 121 Todd's Fork Road, Wilmington, OH 45177
Mike and Nancy McCormick - Pastors
Miriam Speaight- Monthly Meeting Clerk
WORSHIP 10:30 am
Fellowship 11:30 am
Sunday School 11:45 am
Wilmington Friends- DETAILS
66 N. Mulberry St.
Wilmington, OH 45177
(937) 382-2349
Pastor Hannah Lutz
Bob Henson-- Clerk of Meeting
WORSHIP 9:45 am
Xenia Friends- DETAILS
502 Chestnut St.
Xenia, OH 45385
Corner Chestnut & High Sts., off SR 380 N. of SR 68
Rotation of Speakers
Monthly Meeting Clerk - Gary Farlow gcfarlow@twc.com
Acting Recording Clerk - Karren Smith