Yearly Meeting Officers and Committees
WYM Officers
Presiding Clerk Patricia Thomas
Asst. Presiding Clerk Doug Woodmansee
Recording Clerk Judy Leasure
Asst. Recording ClerK Gary Farlow
Treasurer Mike Miller
WYM Coordinator Melodi Goff (Employee)
Wilmington College Committee
Miriam Speaight
Stephen Pottoff
Terry Miller
Gary Farlow
Nancy Bernard
Bill Kincaid Jr.
Paul Moke
Doug Burk
Nancy McCormick, Campus Minister
Finance and Stewardship
Duane Early
Mike Anderson
Jeannette Hamby
J.P. Lund
Mike Miller Treasurer Ex Officio
Christian Concerns for Peace and Society
Elizabeth Newby
Christine Snyder
Jonathan Goff
Gary Huffenberger
Scilla Wahrhaftig
Becky Strafford
Penny Kincaid
Ministry and Counsel Officers
Presiding Clerk Jonda Hamilton
Asst.Clerk Miriam Speaight
Recording Clerk Henrietta Ballinger
Asst. Recording ClerK Rebecca Strafford
WYM Trustees
JP Lund
Hannah Lutz
Gary Farlow
Jim Newby
Mary Ann Raizk
Mike Miller
Youth and Young Adults
Nancy McCormick
Becky Godfrey
Fanya Gilbert
Jon Goff
James Godfrey
Jordon Snarr, Youth Minister Ex. Off.
Program Planning Committee
Marla Stewart
Gary Farlow
Mary Ann Raizk
Penny Kincaid
Yearly Meeting Coordinator, Ex Officio (vacant)
Training and Recording
Jennilou Grotevant
Nancy McCormick
Jim Newby
Craig Strafford
Patricia Thomas
Quakder Knoll Gounds and Facilities Committee
Doug Woodmansee
Hannah Lutz
David Hackney
Russell Kincaid
Kevin Snarr
Cody Camp
Representative from WYM Trustees
Missions and Evangelism
Katie Terrell
Cathy Hadley
Gary Farlow
Jeannette Hamby
Rick Kendall
Historical Materials Resource Contacts
Joan Van Sickle Sloan
Christine Snyder
Policies and Procedures
This manual is a reference for Wilmington Yearly Meeting members. It is a collection of minutes and memoranda that describe how things are to be done. For an organization run largely by volunteers who change from time to time, it is helpful to have these procedures documented in a place where people can find them.
The table of contents is below. To get to the substance of any section, click on the title.
Section 1. Mission Statement
Section 2. Updating Procedure
Section 3: Organizational Description of Wilmington Yearly Meeting
pg. 1. Organizational Chart
pg. 2. Yearly Meeting Structure
pg. 3. Composition of Executive Committee
pg. 4. Structural Changes Approved in July 2021
pg. 5. Training and Recording Flow Chart
Section 4: Ministry and Counsel
pg. 1. Ministry and Counsel Description
pg. 3. Compete Process for Recording a Minister (Chart)
Section 5: Wilmington Yearly Meeting Committee Descriptions
pg. 1. Yearly Meeting Structure
pg. 2. Yearly Meeting Committee General Information
pg. 3. Trustees & Fiduciary Corporation
pg. 4. Second Century Fund
pg. 5. Second Century Matching Funds
pg. 6. Composition of the Executive Committee
pg. 7. Christian Concerns for Peace and Society
pg. 8. Financial Stewardship Committee
pg. 9. Missions and Evangelism Committee
pg. 10. Friends Response Team
pg. 11. Quaker Knoll Grounds and Facilities Committee
pg. 12. Youth and Young Adults Committee
pg. 13. Wilmington Yearly Meeting College Committee
pg. 15. Wilmington College Joint Trustee Nominating Committee
pg. 16. Training and Recording Committee
pg. 17. Program Planning Committee
pg. 18. Historical Materials Resource Contact
pg. 19. Nominating Committee
pg. 20. Epistle Committee
Section 6: Roles and Responsibilities of Committee Clerks and Officers
pg. 1. Committee Clerks Roles and Responsibilities
pg. 2. Yearly Meeting Clerks Roles and Responsibilities
pg. 3. Recording Clerk Roles and Responsibilities
pg. 4. Treasurer Roles and Responsibilities
Section 7: Business Practices
pg. 1. Yearly Meeting Minutes
pg. 2. Consensus and Action Agendas
pg. 3 Forty-Five Day Guideline
Section 8: Finances
pg. 1. Fiduciary Corporation Funds
pg. 8. Administrative Policies for Second Century Fund
pg. 9. Trustees 2% Management Fee
Section 9: Personnel
pg. 1. Yearly Meeting Coordinator Job Description
pg. 3. Yearly Meeting Coordinator Term of Service
Section 10: Marriage
Minute on Marriages Under Care of Monthly Meetings and Churches
Section 11: Quaker Knoll Camp
pg 1. Benchmarks
pg 3. Code of Conduct
pg.5. Medical Form
pg. 7. Camping Program
pg. 8. Adult Camp Counselor
pg. 9. Counselor in Training
pg. 10. Camp Counselor
pg. 11. Camp Chaplain
pg. 12. Camp Director
pg. 13 Camp Nurse
Section 12: Harassment Policies and Procedures
pg. 1. Antiharassment Policy
pg. 3. Complaint Procedure
pg. 5. Eldering Guidelines
Section 13: Guidelines for Submitting Materials to Watson Library
Section 14: Wilmington College and WYM Relationship
1. Minute of Approval of Articles of Incorporation and Regulations
2. Wilmington College Revised and Amended Articles of Incorporation 2021
3. Wilmington College Revised and Amended Regulations 2021
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